Hatfield Happenings: An Update from Prize Recipient Chenyu Lin

COVID-19’s Impacts on Child Health and Well-Being

Chenyu Lin and Julie Woodman, Ph.D.

Chenyu Lin attends Colorado Christian University in Lakewood, Colorado where she majors in nursing. Chenyu’s research focuses on the ways in which COVID-19 has exacerbated child health disparities in Denver, Colorado. Her research highlights the need for sound public policy and the important role of civil society institutions in addressing disparities in children’s health outcomes both during the pandemic and post-pandemic to ensure that all children have the opportunity to thrive. Listen as Chenyu shares about her research and what she has learned through the research process. 

Chenyu is advised by Colorado Christian University Assistant Professor of Biology Julie Woodman, Ph. D. Dr. Woodman shares about how her Hatfield Prize experience with Chenyu has shaped her perspective on student-faculty research.

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The Hatfield Prize is awarded annually to three student-faculty pairs from Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) schools. Recipients conduct research on social policies that impact vulnerable children, families, and communities, and explore the impact of these policies in their local communities. This semester-long research project culminates in three policy reports that make recommendations for both government and civil society institutions in contributing to policies that promote flourishing communities. The Prize honors the legacy of the late Senator Mark O. Hatfield, who served as a United States senator from Oregon for three decades. Hatfield was known for his principled Christian faith and for his commitment to working across difference to find common ground.


Shared Justice is an initiative of The Center for Public Justice. The Center for Public Justice (CPJ) is an independent, nonpartisan organization devoted to policy research and civic education. Working outside the familiar categories of right and left, conservative and liberal, we seek to help citizens and public officeholders respond to God's call to do justice. Our mission is to equip citizens, develop leaders, and shape policy in pursuit of our purpose to serve God, advance justice, and transform public life.


The Hatfield Prize is made possible through the generosity of The Annie E. Casey Foundation and the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust. We thank them for their support, but acknowledge that the findings and conclusions presented in the research are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of these foundations.