In this interview, Daniel Darling reflects on the story of Christ’s birth in his new book The Characters of Christmas: The Unlikely People Caught Up in the Story of Jesus.
Three Reasons for a Missional Approach to Interreligious Engagement
Serving Across Difference: Religious Pluralism in the Public Square
Principled Pluralism, the Image of God, and the Golden Rule
Principled pluralism cultivates a spirit of peaceful disagreement in the public square while safeguarding a community’s social institutions and civil structures. People embody the ideals of principled pluralism when they treat fellow humans with respect and dignity; listening to and learning from the viewpoint of the “other”….
A Response to Christchurch: Eleven Evangelical Students Share a Message with their Muslim Neighbors
Love Thy Neighbor: Showing Hospitality in Principle, Practice, and Policy
Kevin Singer and Katie Thompson kick off Love Thy Neighbor , a collaborative series between Neighborly Faith and Shared Justice. In this article Singer and Thompson explain the “why” behind the series, define key terms like religious pluralism and public justice, and cast a vision for how Christians can be good neighbors to other faith communities.
Introducing Love Thy Neighbor
Love Thy Neighbor is a collaborative series by Shared Justice, an initiative of the Center for Public Justice, and Neighborly Faith, an organization helping evangelical Christians to be good neighbors to people of other faiths. Recognizing that we live in a religiously diverse and pluralistic society, this monthly series will explore how Christians can embody and advocate for hospitality in principle, practice, and policy.