What are we to make of this decision? And, more pointedly, how should we approach the death penalty?
Advent is a microcosm of the human condition, as understood through a Christian lens. God is with us. And the fullness of redemption in God is yet to come. The sacred paradox reveals both are true. Mary’s immaculate conception, like Advent itself, is a now and a not yet.
The rise of populism in international politics threatens the democratic norms of society. How should Christians respond?
In this interview with Lexi Schnaser, Amar Peterman discusses the Center for Empathy in Christian and Public Life and the importance of empathy, intellectual humility, and hospitality in public life.
In this article, Luke Joyce reviews Call for Justice: From Practice to Theory and Back, a new book that includes an exchange of letters between Kurt Ver Beek, Co-Founder of the Association for a More Just Society (which uses its Spanish initials ASJ), and Christian philosopher Nicholas Wolterstorff.
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