Public justice requires that our policies address structural injustice in a comprehensive way. But, sometimes, the first step we take has to enable us to hear about the injustice from those who experience it.
On the Origin of the Fiscal Cliff
Suicide and Narrow Social Agendas
Those who choose to become one-issue voters, or voters who focus exclusively on a narrow field of issues and ignore new and emerging questions, are failing to give due thought to the full consequences of their vote for their fellow Americans – including, all too often, the ones who lie at the brink of death.
When Issues Don't Fit Into Labels
Opportunity Amidst Political Polarization
Opportunity is undeniably a key theme in the fight for justice. It should not only be a proper social issue to fight for, but as Christians, it ought to be a Biblical one. Towards the end of his lecture, Gerson cut to the heart with his comment that, “God is not on the side of America, but on the side of justice.”